Big turnout for 2024 Stallion Parade

Japan's superstar, now multiple Group 1 sire Maurice on show at Arrowfield's stallion parade. (PHOTO: Joan Faras)
Arrowfield warmly welcomed more than 900 clients, friends & guests to its 2024 Stallion Parades held last Saturday & Sunday mornings during the annual Hunter Valley Stallion Week.
Conditions were slightly overcast but pleasant and happily, the rain responded to Chairman John Messara’s standing request by staying away during the parades which showcased the six spectacular stallions Arrowfield is offering to breeders this season.
The Autumn Sun, sire of three Group 1 Classic winners last season, is recovering from a pelvic injury and will return to the roster in 2025.
Abundant winter rain and the excellent work of Arrowfield’s gardening & hospitality teams ensured the immaculate presentation of the farm & the event, which concluded each day around noon.
Chef Ben Haywood and his busy, friendly team served up delicious breakfast food and coffee while John and his wife Kris, Paul & Alice Messara and Arrowfield staff chatted with visitors from all parts of Australia, New Zealand and further afield.
Special guests included an enthusiastic group of microshare owners of Hitotsu and five broodmares, an innovative package marketed by MyRacehorse. They celebrated the safe arrival of their first Hitotsu foals, a filly ex Hecate (born 22 August) and a colt ex Jackrabbit Jimmy (born 24 August).
The stallions, paraded in outstanding order by Stallion Manager Joe Hickey, Lachie Bruce & Alex Whittaker as parade host Susan Archer introduced the roster and wove key statistics through each stallion’s particular story.
Last season Arrowfield’s 7 stallions compiled almost $150 million in prizemoney & yearling sale returns, 579 individual winners, 81 Stakes Performers, 38 SW & 5 Australian G1 winners including Arrowfield graduates Autumn Angel & Celestial Legend.