Showtime – Mating Focus #1

Showtime’s gorgeous looks and kind temperament are both evident in this 2021 photo by Joan Faras.

Keen to know more about the broodmare sire-lines likely to work best with Showtime? Snitzel offers plenty of useful clues in this series looking at his success with mares from various sire-lines, starting with that of Star Kingdom.

Last weekend’s impressive Flemington 2YO stakeswinner Royalzel is a reminder that Snitzel and his sire sons, including our own Showtime, are useful foils for the valuable, but diminishing group of Star Kingdom-line mares.

Snitzel has achieved 21.7% Stakes Horses/Runners and 82.6% Winners/Runners from Star Kingdom-line mares.

Star Kingdom also plays a role in the pedigree of the exciting recent Group winner Incentivise, by Snitzel’s son Shamus Award. While he’s not from a Star Kingdom-line mare, his dam Miss Argyle’s pedigree does feature four lines of Star Kingdom, including a double of Noholme to whom she is linebred at 5 x 4.

Broodmare sires from Star Kingdom’s male line include Canny Lad, Hurricane Sky, Made of Gold, St. Covet, Show A Heart & Toorak Toff; while sires with Star Kingdom elsewhere in their pedigree include Charge Forward, Denman, Don Eduardo, Falvelon, Ilovethiscity, Love Conquers All, Manhattan Rain, Nicconi, Sidereus & Wordsmith.

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